Be in the loop,
night and day
Stay updated about ongoing discussions, bugs, and comment threads. Know what's happening with your projects with the help of the activity stream. Let your team know what's going on by posting a status and submitting bugs, wherever you may be.

Home is where the heart is
You homepage has everything you need at easy access, like bugs assigned to you, overdue bugs, and timesheet entries. Close bugs, log hours, or approve or reject timesheet entries right from the homepage. Everything is just a click away.
Work never goes unnoticed
At your desk or away, the work you do shouldn't be overlooked. Use automatic timers and timesheets to log hours for the bugs you work on. You can also view your daily, weekly, and monthly log hours, so you know how many hours you've put in for each work item.

Communicate better
with file sharing
Upload multiple documents, spreadsheets, or presentations from your mobile device. Share them via comments in the feed or as status updates, associate them with a bug, or simply add the files to the project. You can also preview the content and access the latest version of the document uploaded by your teammates in the app.
Refine your search
Find exactly what you're looking for by fine-tuning your search with multiple filters.
Views according to your need
View your bugs in either the list view or the Kanban view, whatever works best for you.
Optimized for your screen
Experience smooth transitions between the app's portrait and landscape modes.
As colorful as it gets
Change your app colors to suit your mood. As your tastes change, so can your themes.