An end-to-end platform to manage digital signature collection

Easily accelerate the creation, review, and signing of business documents, such as NDAs and sales contracts. With Zoho Writer's built-in signing options, go paperless and manage signature collection online through multiple services, such as Zoho Sign, DocuSign, and SignEasy.


Sign documents online

  • Create customized templates

    Create and format sales contracts and documents with Zoho Writer's powerful editing and formatting tools. Design your templates from scratch and save them for later use, or simply insert signature fields in existing PDFs. Capture all the necessary details by inserting signature blocks with multiple fields for each signer.

  • Granularly control signature blocks

    Control the finer details of the signature blocks in your documents. Configure signer fields as Mandatory, Movable, or Re-sizable, re-position them, and more.

Advanced signature collection options

Choose a signing method from the various options available in Zoho Writer. From self-signing to sending a document anywhere in the world for signature, choose the option that simplifies your signature collection process. Define roles for document stakeholders to ensure smooth signature collection.

  • Self-sign documents

    Sign documents right from within Zoho Writer. Store them in any place of your choice or email them to stakeholders.

  • Collect eSignatures in person

    Get important and confidential documents signed face-to-face with in-person signing.

  • Wet ink signatures

    Save time with wet ink signatures. Scan, store, and generate digital copies of your physical signature and insert them anywhere in your documents.

  • Collect eSignatures in bulk

    Configure signer details for documents and collect signatures online in a specific order or at the same time.

Track signature collection status

View the status of the documents you've sent for signature collection.

  • Check the status of bulk signature collection

    Continually view the progress of documents you've sent for signature collection. See who has signed and who has yet to sign in real time.

  • View real-time self-sign statuses with recall

    View a list of all documents in the Self-Sign Queue without leaving the editor. You can even recall/cancel the signing process directly from the queue.

Customize the signature collection process

Define and customize your signature collection process with the various options in Zoho Writer. Add a custom subject line and message to your email, enter a document name, add a personalized attachment, and more when you send your documents for signature collection.

  • Configure a custom signing and notification order

    Streamline signature collection when working with multiple signers by setting an order and notification sequence.

  • Securely collect eSignatures

    Protect your data and require signers to verify their identities before signing.

  • Set deadlines and reminders

    Configure deadlines to collect signatures online and send reminders to your signers to avoid delays.

  • Post-sign workflows

    Determine what to do with a document once it is signed—store, send, or invoke a function to perform operations. You can also automatically email the signed document to all stakeholders through Zoho Writer.

Writer works well with others

Writer lets you upload documents to your signing accounts as well, so you have the option to use different services and complete the process at your convenience.

Adobe Sign | DocuSign | SignEasy
Zoho Sign Alternatives

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Automate your work process with the various templates available in Zoho Writer.

Create personalized emails, documents, and letters in bulk without having to edit them manually.

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